Affandi: Dia Datang. Dia Lapar. Dia Pergi

Buku oleh Hendro Wiyanto

Buku tentang pelukis Affandi yang dituturkan oleh Pak Djon pendamping Sang Maestro selama lebih kurang 30 tahun, sebagai sopir sekaligus asisten pribadinya.Pak Djon adalah salah satu saksi sejarah yang sangat dekat dengan Affandi, dan ternyata ingatan Pak Djon mengenai pengalamannnya bersama Affandi sang pelukis besar masih sangat kuat. Banyak dapat dipelajari tentang Affandi melalui penuturan Pak Djon dalam buku ini.

A book about the painter Affandi as told by Pak Djon, who accompanied the Maestro for about 30 years, as a driver and his personal assistant. Pak Djon is one of the historical witnesses who is very close to Affandi, and it turns out that his recollections of him and his works are still very strong. Much can be learned about Affandi through Pak Djon’s narrative in this book.

18 cm x 27 cm
Bahasa Indonesia
Agung Tobing Publishing
326 pages

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